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The Luck Lancer

Every Friday, Michael had the habit of following the same measly tradition. He would wander over to the long-standing cafe on 9th Street (which most locals guess have stood there for over 30 years, though no one really knows), and would order a coffee in the same musty and stained mug. Every individual who walked by the window of the cafe would see him sitting there, deep in thought, looking disgustingly disheartened by the decor of the place. With such a look on his face, nobody could see the sense in why he kept going there. Hidden in plain sight, there was a good reason, one that determined the chances of survival for the lives that challenge the cityscape; and ensured that luck stood in their favor. An action committed in memory of those that, as close as they were to Michael, didn’t have good luck in the end. Continue reading The Luck Lancer

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